The novel about the Blue Goddess is a warm, gripping and exciting story about life during the Stone Age 14,000 years ago, which has never before been portrayed or described in this way. When the world was still borderless four people, all coming from different directions, walked to the Altamira cave in present-day Spain in order to support and abet the Blue Goddess. She was a symbol for all the goodness in the world and would now have to be hidden away, as Mother Earth was about to let the dark forces loose so that they would be overcome by humans’ pure minds and love. But they were not yet ready for this fight. The four of them represented different types of Homo sapiens: The Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, the black, indigenous race from Africa and the ancient, indigenous race from the Nordic region. They all belonged to the same race as people of today and they all had Hel as their Goddess. Helena Frykstrand and Pia Haxner let us join them on a journey back in time when women ruled with love and justice. At the time it was natural for everyone to show consideration towards energies and invisible creatures. The nature and Mother Earth were seen as alive and were full of life, which was respected and honoured. The book is written in the form of a novel, but it is based on research and upon the channelisation of the authors’ as well as the information they have received whilst in a state of trance.
ArbetstitelThe Blue Goddess Mother culture in Europe
BandtypDanskt band
Läsordning i serie
Publiceringsdatum2013-07-03 00:00:00
FörfattareHelena Frykstrand & Pia Haxner
Kort BeskrivningThe novel about the Blue Goddess is a warm, gripping and exciting story about life during the Stone Age 14,000 years ago, which has never before been portrayed or described in this way. When the world was still borderless four people, all coming from different directions, walked to the Altamira cave in present-day Spain in order to support and abet the Blue Goddess. She was a symbol for all the